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kevin 2003-10-18 08:43

原始資料來源 :澳洲維多利亞攀登俱樂部(VCC)
bolting policy:



VCC Bolting and Fixed Protection Policy For Rock Climbing – Version 1.0

VCC攀岩之錨栓及固定點裝設政策--- 1.0版

Bolting has an historical place in Australian climbing. It has both its supporters and its detractors, making it possibly one of the most divisive aspects of our sport. Well placed fixed protection allows climbers to climb, belay or rappel/abseil with improved safety. Conversely, poorly placed bolts and over-bolted climbs may diminish or destroy the climbing experience. It is important that these guidelines reflect the local traditions and attitudes to both climbing and the environmental management of the cliff and environs. Placing fixed protection permanently defaces the rock and as such it should be a last resort.



A bolting policy needs to address safety issues to minimize the risk of death or injury, and to alleviate land manager fears of litigation. The policy also needs to address environmental impacts, both positive and negative, resulting from the placement of fixed protection and anchors.


The VCC aims to promote safe bolting and environmentally sound practices. The VCC as an organization cannot actively place or replace bolts or instruct on bolt placement due to terms of their insurance. The VCC may direct interested individuals to suppliers or manufacturers of bolting related products but it is up to the individual to properly research the products and follow the manufacturer\'s instructions when placing fixed protection.


1. Where to Place Fixed Protection/Anchors

1.1 It is the generally accepted practice that the first ascentionist chooses whether to place fixed protection, and where and what type of protection is used. It is important that the first ascentionist carefully considers where each point of fixed protection is placed, taking into account all safety, environmental and ethical considerations.


1.2 It is also vitally important that the first ascentionist uses a suitable product, has practised placements before drilling a cliff (e.g. in concrete) and installs it according to the manufacturer\'s instructions.


1.3 Fixed protection is inappropriate on climbs that can be adequately protected by natural means. Fixed protection should be used as a last resort and only to enable a climb to be lead with minimum risk of serious injury (i.e. fixed protection should not be placed just to reduce the size of a fall where the fall can be considered ‘safe’).


1.4 Fixed protection should not be added or moved on a climb (i.e. retro-bolting) that has previously been done by naturally protected means without the express permission of the first ascentionist. If the bolt placement needs to be changed and the first ascentionist cannot be contacted then ‘local best practice’ should be used (see section 5 – Replacing Bolts, Bolt Removal and Retro-bolting). Routes exist where the first ascentionist wanted to create a climb in the purest possible style. Adding or moving bolts may alter the nature of the climb and devalue the efforts of the first ascent.

1.4一路線由首攀者以天然方式確保完攀後,未經首攀者同意,不得於該路線上增加或移動固定支點(如重修路線時)。如果固定支點的裝設位置必須更改,卻無法聯絡上首攀者,那麼就必須依「本地最佳範例」施工(參照第五節 更換錨栓,移除錨栓,重修路線。)路線必須保持其首攀者開發時致力追求的純粹型態。移動或增加錨栓可能改變路線的原貌,讓首攀者的努力付之東流。

1.5 Fixed protection/anchors should not interfere with nearby existing routes. Where a new climb is in close proximity to an existing route, where practicable, it is preferable to utilize the protection on the existing route.


1.6 Climbers should not place fixed protection on climbs that could reasonably be deemed short enough to be described as bouldering problems.


1.7 Fixed protection should be placed to prevent the risk of ground fall, hitting dangerous obstacles or factor two falls. However consistent with point 1.4 the risk of a dangerous fall on an existing climb may not necessarily justify retro-bolting the climb.


1.8 Fixed protection within a climbing area preferably should be consistent with local practice and consistent with the nature of the climb (e.g. granite slab, steep sports climb etc.) unless safety considerations deem it necessary to use alternative protection (e.g. fixed hangers/ringbolts should be placed where putting a bracket on a bolt would be extremely difficult or where the climb is overhanging). Every effort should be made to find out what the local best practice is. VCC Bolting and Fixed Protection Policy For Rock Climbing – Version 1.0 1 of 5

1.8在攀岩區域內固定支點之架設,除非是基於安全考量而必須使用另外的支點(例:設固定掛環/環形耳片的地點,應是極難將支架掛上耳片之處,或該處為懸岩地形。),否則,最好能合於本地架設實例與攀登地形的種類(如花岡岩斜板、峭壁之運動攀登等。 )。務請盡力了解、參照本地最佳實例。參見參見VCC攀岩之錨栓及固定點裝設政策--- 1.0版,5之1
1.9 Bolts should not be added to an area that is declared either ‘bolt free’ or ‘no more bolts’. This status should be defined by Park Management Plans, climbing guidebooks or local best practice.


1.10 Fixed protection should be placed with consideration for other climbers. It is preferable to top-rope the route first to assess natural protection placements and to mark best bolt locations. Placements should be consistent for the grade and where practicable should not disadvantage climbers with shorter reach.


1.11 When a climb is predominantly bolted then any need for natural protection should be stated in the route description. Also the method of descent should be clearly stated where lower-offs are not provided.


2. Type of Fixed Protection
2. 固定支點的類型

2.1Bolts must be stainless steel or titanium. Grade 304 stainless steel is recommended for inland areas and Grade 316 stainless steel or titanium is recommended for coastal areas or other highly corrosive environments.


2.2 Where two metal components of an anchor are in contact both components should be the same grade of stainless steel, for example a fixed hanger and an expansion bolt.


2.3 All forms of fixed protection placed should be manufactured to meet or exceed the European standard EN 959 of 15kN in the axial direction and 25kN in the radial direction. Note: this standard is for the ultimate load for the product. Most products state the normal ‘working load’ so check with the manufacturer how to convert ‘working load’ to ‘ultimate load’.

2.3所有類型的固定支點,必須符合或超過安全標準EN 959(註,EN為歐洲標準委員會),即軸向受力15kN,徑向受力25kN之標準。大部分的產品只標示一般的「操作負荷值」,因此,請向廠商確認如何將其「操作負荷值」換算為「極限負荷值」。

2.4 Consistent with point 2.3 all forms of fixed protection should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer\'s instructions. Incorrect installation may lead to failure of fixed protection regardless of the strength rating of the product.


2.5 The use of hammer-in ‘carrots’ is not recommended, as their reliability will vary depending on the skill of the installer and the hardness of the rock. They may also be subject to corrosion and bolt ‘creep’.


2.6 Glues used should be industrial masonry glues suitable for dynamic loading and prepared and applied in accordance with the manufacturer\'s instructions.


2.7 Glue in fixed protection/anchors must be checked and moderately load tested sometime after the recommended curing time.


2.8 Glue in U-staples should not be used unless they are specifically made for rock climbing and tested to the minimum European standard when installed according to instruction.

2.8施工時,用於U形大釘(U staple)的黏著劑並不適用,除非其上有註明專為攀岩活動設計,並符合歐洲標準的最低標。

2.9 Self-tapping/self-drilling bolts should not be used unless they are specifically recommended for rock climbing and meet the minimum European standard when installed according to instruction.

2.10 Pitons should not be placed as fixed protection. (see point 5.5 for replacing Pitons.)

2.10不可用岩釘作為固定支點。(參照 5.5 替換岩釘)

3. Belay Anchors and Rappel/Abseil Stations

3.1Installing of rappel/abseil anchors should be kept to a minimum. Where possible one rappel station should service the tops of all climbs in the immediate area that can safely access the rappel/abseil point.


3.2 Natural protection should be used for belay anchors where at least 2, preferably 3, independent bombproof anchors can be used.


3.3 Additional belay anchors may be installed/replaced where no natural means of protection is available and where the existing belay anchor is inadequate.


3.4 Rappel/abseil stations should be installed where a tree is used for the anchor or where other features used may be unsafe (e.g. old fixed sling or unsafe natural \"bollard\").


3.5 Each rappel/abseil station should have two separate anchors installed at least 200mm apart. The rappel/abseil rope should feed through each of the two anchors independently unless the anchor has been specifically manufactured as a rappel/abseil anchor and designed with one point of contact (i.e. it is not acceptable to feed the rope through a single non-rated D-shackle or similar product).


3.6 Rappel/abseil station components though which the rope is threaded should be replaceable.


3.7 Products used for rappel/abseil stations should be tested and rated to at least meet UIAA standard 25kN. Home made brackets, and non-rated components such as D-shackles, maillons rapide, chain links etc. should not be used.

3.7裝設在下降站的產品必通過品質檢驗,至少達到UIAA 25kN 之標準。不得使用自製的支架及未經核可的D形卸扣、鍊圈等產物。

4 Environmental Considerations 環境考量
4.1 Fixed protection/anchors should not be visually intrusive particularly where the climb is located next to popular walking tracks. For climbs less than vertical hangerless machine bolts are recommended to reduce visual impact. Rock coloured stainless steel should be used.


4.2 While all effort should be made to minimise the visual impact of fixed protection this should not compromise the ability of a climber to see the protection. Fixed protection should be placed on clear rock within the line of climbing.


4.3 Rappel/abseil stations should be installed where descending by foot is likely to cause erosion problems.


4.4 Rappel/abseil stations should be installed where climbers lower off trees.


4.5 The placement of any fixed protection/anchors is banned within a Government defined wilderness area or reference area.


4.6 When drilling holes every effort should be made to minimise the impact on other visitors to the area. Dust is to be brushed away from the rock and drilling should be done at a time that is not likely to disturb other people.


4.7 Fixed protection/anchors should not be placed within any area of importance to Aboriginal communities. If in doubt, the VCC Access Officer should be able to find out if there are any potential problems.


5. Replacing Bolts, Bolt Removal and Retro-Bolting

5.1Unsafe fixed protection should be reported to a representative of the local climbing group.


5.2 Unsafe fixed protection should, where practicable, be replaced by the local climbing community, the first ascentionist or other experienced and interested climber.


5.3 Carrot bolts requiring the placing of a bolt-plate should only be replaced with a glue in hangerless machine bolt, except in situations where a hangerless bolt may be unsafe such as on an overhang or at a tenuous clip with a dangerous fall.


5.4 Fixed hangers or ringbolts should only be replaced by fixed hangers or ringbolts.


5.5 When a piton is intentionally removed it should be replaced with a fixed hanger or ringbolt.


5.6 If a piton is unintentionally removed then it should not be replaced if good natural protection is available. Where good natural protection is not available a fixed hanger or ringbolt should replace the piton. Old pitons should not be reused once they fall out.


5.7 Piton scars should not be filled. Often natural protection can be placed in the scars so that the rock isn\'t damaged any further.


5.8 Where possible old fixed protection should be extracted from the rock. If appropriate, old 10mm holes should be re-drilled to 12mm and the new bolt placed in the same position. Note: in soft rocks extracting fixed protection may leave unsightly damage in the form of a crater.


5.9 Where old fixed protection cannot be removed the old protection should be cut off flush with the rock or (preferably) sheared off below the rock surface and the hole then plugged. Old bolts must not be left protruding from the rock surface.


5.10 When a fixed wire/sling/rope/cord is an essential point of protection then it should be removed and replaced with fixed hanger/ringbolt/rappel/abseil anchors.


5.11 Old bolt holes not re-used should be filled in with glue/resin/putty of a similar colour to the rock. Note: small or crushed stones of the same rock type mixed with the glue can improve the colour match and make excellent plugs.


5.12 Where there has been a change in bolt type, number or placement then the route description should be re-written by the person placing the bolts and published as a modified route (same as for new route descriptions).


A Final Note: No fixed protection can be considered 100% safe. It is the VCC’s aim to promote improvement in the quality of fixed protection and minimise the risk of fixed protection failure. It is the individual climber’s responsibility to assess each and every piece of fixed protection and make a calculated and informed decision on whether or not the protection is adequate and whether or not to proceed with the climb.




[ 這篇文章修改由: shin 在 2004-05-27 14:06 ]

Ta-Chi 2003-10-18 08:43



一,fixed protection 翻成「確保點」會不會被誤認為「固定點」(固定點才有確保的動作)﹖protection 習慣上翻成「支點」。所以,「固定支點」﹖

二,the last resort,「最後的手段」是直翻。文意會不會稍為僵硬了一些。「最後的手段」往往也可詮釋成正當化。所以,「不得已的手段」﹖「不得已」好像比較「不正當化」,意謂著可打可不打。 [img]images/forum/smilies/icon_razz.gif[/img]

shin 2003-10-18 08:43

On 2003-10-18 06:44, Ta-Chi wrote:



[ 這篇文章修改由: shin 在 2003-10-18 08:43 ]

shin 2003-10-18 08:43

拖了這麼久, 虎頭蛇尾,怎麼說也過意不去.


[ 這篇文章修改由: shin 在 2004-05-18 04:31 ]

Ta-Chi 2003-10-18 08:43


shin 2003-10-18 08:43



[ 這篇文章修改由: shin 在 2004-05-18 16:30 ]

milk 2003-10-18 08:43


1.4一路線由首攀者以天然方式確保完攀後,未經首攀者同意,不得於該路線上增加或移動固定支點(如重修路線時)。如果固定支點的裝設位置必須更改,卻無法聯絡上首攀者,那麼就必須依「本地最佳範例」施工(參照第五節 更換錨栓,移除錨栓,重修路線。)路線必須保持其首攀者開發時致力追求的純粹型態。移動或增加錨栓可能改變路線的原貌,讓首攀者的努力付之東流。


[ 這篇文章修改由: shin 在 2004-05-27 14:09 ]

Ta-Chi 2003-10-18 08:43

Concur with Milk. This is exactly \"the\" principle that I tried to promote not long ago for the Longdong Classics.

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