主題: 確保動作
舊 2003-10-07, 11:01   #4
註冊日期: 2004-02
文章: 551

Glad to see this discussion!
Just add one comment: Before any climbing, climber and belayer sould always corss-examine each others\' system. I always do this even I know my partner very well.
As far as device is concerned, my favorite still goes to the ATC. For it is light and multifunctional. My next is the old-fashioned figuer-8. Grigri is a very very distant third. In fact, I hate it, and seldom use it unless my partner request for it. Sometime I feel Grigri dull my sensibility and fun as a belyer.

Ta-Chi [img]images/forum/smilies/[/img] null
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