舊 2014-04-24, 07:23   #3
註冊日期: 1999-11
住址: Madison
文章: 689
大濟 是普普通通的會員
Climbing 網路版最近有關 bolting/rebolting 的文章,資料豐富,值得一讀。網址如下:



”Built to Last? The Hidden Dangers Of Climbing Bolts:Climbing anchors and corrosion
By Jeff Achey / Photos by Andrew Burr


“The Access Fund can’t just step in and tell people what to do,” says Robinson. “The hope is that long-lived bolts, and bolts that can be replaced without drilling new holes, will become more and more common. Great technologies are here or are on the horizon, but it only helps us if people use them.”

文章中提到一篇針對 bolt 在非熱帶、非海邊也造成 SCC (Stress Corrosion Cracking)的研究文章,其書目如下,有興趣的可以想辦法 download:

Sjong, A and L. Eiselstein, 2008, “Marine Atmospheric SCC of Unsensitized Stainless Steel Rock Climbing Protection,“ Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 8(5), pp. 410-418. 網址:http://link.springer.com/article/10....668-008-9158-1

4/24 編輯 -

Climbing 本文下有一些回饋,有兩個值得注意,資料如下:

1)美國南部攀岩勝地 Red River Gorge (RRG)有類似 “龍洞 rebolt 團隊” 義工組織,組成份子是攀岩者、路線開發者、以及當地製造業有關人士,這個團隊有臉書,有興趣同好可以參考他們怎麼作(因為我不上臉書,所以詳細內容我不清楚):


2)德州中部也有一個地方性團體,Central Texas Mountaineers,也負責 bolt 維護以及其它有關攀岩事項,網址:


據留言的那人說,他有找到直接拔除舊 bolt 的方法,所以不需另打洞,我已去信請教。龍洞的 Longlife 很難直接拔除,新打的灌膠式(Glue-in)將更難拔除,希望他們已經找到直接拔除以上兩種 bolt 的方法,這樣 rebolt 就有可能不需一直打新的洞了。


收到 Adam Mitchell 的回信。他在一家攀岩嚮導公司工作。我去信時,提及龍洞用 Long Life。他回信基本上說,long life 要拔除很難,他們用的 bolt 是 Fixe Hardware Rawl 5-Piece Stainless Steel Bolts,拆除時直接鑽進 bolt 然後用特殊工具拔出(我猜是用簡單的“壁猴”),也許吧,long life 也可以這樣作(以前討論過)。

Hey there. Thanks for contacting us about bolt removal and reusing the holes. Most of our bolt removal and reuse of the holes have been with 5 piece Rawls 1/2". The 3/8 holes can be salvaged in some case but not always by using a coring drill bit. For the half inch we have developed special tools to remove them. However in your case I don't think you'll be able to use those holes. We call the bolt your using smashies. Though good they are a bear to remove. We have very very few of those and the ones I've came across we used new holes. If we had more I'd develop a way to remove them.

4/25 編輯:

繼續和 Adam 通信。他提出和我類似的想法:rebolt 或 bolt 新路線,不用灌膠式(glue-in),用“可拆卸式”(mechanical bolt),這樣舊洞(理論上)可以一用再用,不用一直打新洞。代價是:1)需要定期檢查bolt,如果發現開始生鏽就馬上拔出汰換,相當耗時耗錢;2)現在市面上可拆卸式(mechanical bolt)好像都是用 SS-304(Stainless Steel 304),還沒有 SS-316,確定沒有鈦合金,但 SS-304 在龍洞鏽的快,有可能想拆都拆不下來。

Adam 提到 Climb Tech 正在發展一款新 “可拆卸式 bolt”,叫 Legacy,我找到 YouTube,如果您有興趣,可參考,我會去信 Climb Tech 請教它抗蝕性如何:


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