舊 2013-05-13, 23:45   #1
註冊日期: 2013-05
文章: 1
ckchiu 是普普通通的會員
尋繩伴(seek a climbing partner)at Y17

回台度假 徵繩伴一名 我家在Y17附近 所以Y17對我比較方便 但是它地方在台北也都okay 任何時間到6月中都可

I am back to Taiwan for vacation until June 14. I would like to find a climbing partner at Y17 or any other climbing gym in Taipei. I would prefer Y17 because my home is near Y17. Anytime for climbing is good for me. I can speak Chinese and English. Let me know if you are interested.

Now I can climb 5.10 for top rope and 5.9 for lead. In my best time I can climb 5.11 but now is not my best time.
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