舊 2006-03-21, 07:46   #3
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2006國際運動攀登比賽規則(英文版/pdf檔): International Climbing Competitions Rules 2006
2006年增修的規則(英文版/pdf檔): UIAA 運動攀登比賽規則2006年增修版本說明

Section 4. Lead (先鋒賽)
If it is decided by the Jury that a particular quickdraw must be clipped from a particular hold, or earlier, this hold and the quickdraw shall be marked preferably with a blue cross.
如果裁判團(Jury)決定路線上的某個特定快扣(quickdraw), 必須在抓住某個特定的岩點(hold)時掛上, 或在到達此岩點前掛上, 那麼這個岩點及快扣應該以藍色的十字記號標記.

4.7.4 and 4.8..5
This is a new rule which states that the Jury President may decide that in the case of a tie in a superfinal, the time used to achieve the result shall determine the ranking of the competitors; the shorter the time, the better the result. The decision to use this rule shall be announced to the climbers, coaches and the public before the round. The superfinal can be held on the same route as in the final.
新的規定: 如果在"超級決賽"(superfinal)中選手還是平手, 裁判長(Jury President)可以決定以時間來判定成績. 時間使用較少的選手成績較好.

要使用這個規則, 必須在"超級決賽"比賽前(before the round)向所有的選手, 教練, 及觀眾宣佈.


Section 5. Bouldering (抱石賽)

5.1 – 5.7

Boulder competitions will now consist of three rounds – qualification, semifinal and final – the first two being run with the old rules. In the final round all climbers will finish the problems in turn before they move on to the next problem.
抱石賽賽程共三場: 資格賽, 準決賽, 決賽.


決賽規則為: 同一條路線選手依序出賽, 待所有選手完成後, 再一起比下一條路線.

The quotas for the semifinal and final rounds are 20 and 6 respectively, and the number of problems is 6 in the quarterfinal and 4 in the semifinal and final rounds, which shall be run on the same day. The rotation period is 6 minutes in all the rounds.
準決賽選手取20人, 決賽取6人.
資格賽6條路線, 準決賽及決賽各4條路線.

準決賽及決賽應在一天內比完. (請參考5.1.5)
所有賽程的"間隔時間"(rotation period, 定義請參考 5.3.1)皆為6分鐘.

The new rules for the final round are in brief: The round will have only 6 competitors in each category and the competitors will compete on 4 boulder problems. All competitors will finish their attempts on boulder number one before the attempts on boulder number two are started, etc. As soon as a competitor has made a successful attempt, the next competitor follows immediately. The final round shall be run simultaneously for men and women.
新的決賽規則為: 每個組別有6名選手, 每組有4條路線. 所有選手嘗試完第一條路線後, 再一起比第二條路線, 之後以此類推. 當一名選手完攀後, 下一位選手需立刻下場爬.

決賽路線, 男子組及女子組應同時比賽. (5.1.15)

Section 6. Speed (速度賽)


It has been added that a competitor suffering a technical incident shall be entitled to a minimum recuperation time of 5 minutes.
新增的規定: 發生技術事件, 選手有權獲得至少5分鐘的休息時間.


此文章於 2006-03-21 10:28 被 kevin 編輯.
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