舊 2005-01-19, 20:04   #6
註冊日期: 1999-11
文章: 33

Another memorable trip I had was..... my parentin Vancouver and I were planning to climb Mt. Slesse NE Buttress in 2000. Both of us were car less. But I do have a motorcycle. I rode from Portland with all gears to meet my friend in Vancouver, British Columbia. Riding motorcycle in cold autumn at the high latitude northern hemisphere for 7 hours had already drain my body heat out ( I was riding at night). After meeting him, we headed for the mountain with two of us on my motorcycle. There was no room for all of our gears. We even have to wear harness with rock shoes clip on harness on motorcycle. We take very little fuel, food and water. We brought no sleeping bag or sleeping pad so we can fit rope and climbing hardware to motorcycle. The route is above glacier and it needs two days of climb. Of course, it did not work out, I got so hypothermic on the first night and had to retrieve. Last year, I finally bought a car. It is so great to have a car.

To travel in all directions, I learn whatever skill necessary.
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