作者: 大濟
謝謝 Pony 和 Mira,翻的很棒!
Fred Beckey 所說:“若要安置一個螺栓,請確認這會是個好螺栓!” : “If you are going to place a bolt, make it a good one!” - 這句話其實不太容易翻,因為話中的 “good” 到底是什麼意思?
“好” 螺栓?什麼是一個 “好” 的螺栓?
要了解 Beckey 的原意,必須找出他的原文全貌,上下對照,我有空會嘗試找找看。
我猜前輩想找的原文是Fred Beckey給編輯信中的原文吧("In one of the letters to the editor" ),而不是以下他的連結這段? 那的確就比較不容易找了。
我試著以我的想法來詮譯這段話吧,"If you are going to place a bolt, make it a good one!" 我認為他們既然在前面段落,討論誰有資格打螺栓耳片,那重點就不在於螺栓本身的品質問題(如螺栓和耳片的材質、設計等),而是在於打螺栓者的能力,不管是攀登能力、經驗及見識,因為打螺栓不僅在螺栓安裝的品質(如適當的深度、垂直度、耳片角度),另一方面適當的安裝位置也很重要(如考慮墜落方向、位置,適合掛入繩子的位置,岩石強度的考量,人員碰撞,妨礙攀登與否,劃傷繩索等)。其所指的是你有沒有能力將螺栓安裝得好!
我的詮譯是「一旦你想安裝一個螺栓,就該將它做到好」,當然,一個好螺栓得包含螺栓本身的品質,但這比較無關能力問題,絕大多數人,只要買得起 ,要做到並不難。
Roper’s article stirred up the climbing community, and the follow-up letters to Summit raised questions that are commonly echoed in today’s bolt wars. What climber has the right to appoint himself or herself enforcer of a particular ethical view? Do public debate and private enforcement send the wrong message to land managers? What are the boundaries of acceptable bolting practice? In one of the letters to the editor that followed,Fred Beckey offered the practical advice, “If you are going to place a bolt, make it a good one!”
Defeat is not defeat unless accepted as a reality in your own mind.
Bruce Lee
此文章於 2013-08-30 18:07 被 A-YUNG 編輯.
原因: 錯別字