舊 2011-02-10, 15:55   #1
註冊日期: 2006-10
文章: 24
att66tw 是普普通通的會員

美國岩友想來台攀岩, 特轉po信件, 若有意國民外交者請與他聯絡.
My name is Brad and I'm visiting Taiwan from California, thinking about staying for awhile. I was wondering if you have information about climbing in and around Taipei. I am very experienced at indoor bouldering, and I do some lead climbing as well. I have also gone on several outdoor bouldering and lead climbing trips. I climb V6-V8 bouldering, and 5.10-5.11 lead climbs. I wasn't expecting to find much climbing here, so I didn't bring my gear, but I can have it shipped here if there is good advanced climbing. The outdoor climbing looks great at Long Dong, but indoor climbing does not look promising from what I've seen so far.

I would rather not have to pay money to join a club and take classes, and pay to climb at climbing walls like at Neihu and nangang, I would rather just find an experienced climber to climb at Long Dong with me. Or if you know of good indoor bouldering areas nearby, that would be preferable too.

Please let me know what you think,

Bradley Harris
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